Light Therapy (Mito Red Light)

Red light reaches deep into the body and energizes our mitochondria, supporting cellular function and controlling inflammation. It is also great for the skin as it promotes collagen production, which can smooth fine lines and wrinkles. We love Mito Red Light for their targeted red light therapy panel that energizes the mitochondria. It’s powerful, affordable, and effective 

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Mito Red Light

Every living thing relies on light as a source of energy. Sadly, we spend far too much time indoors under artificial lighting. When we are inside, we are exposed to blue and green light, which leads to fatigue, poor sleep, weakness, depression, and overall ill health.

Red light reaches deep into the body and energizes our mitochondria, supporting cellular function and controlling inflammation. It is also great for the skin as it promotes collagen production, which can smooth fine lines and wrinkles.

Specific wavelengths of light cause physiological effects.

The wavelengths from red light can:

• Reduce inflammation
• Energize the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell 
• Help manage chronic pain
• Improve skin quality and coloration
• Heal wounds
• Improve sleep quality
• Improve workout recovery
• Increase blood flow to the brain

We love Mito Red Light for their targeted red light therapy panel that energizes the mitochondria. This powerful, affordable, effective solution is a great way to combat the effects of harsh indoor light. Adding red light to your daily protocol could be just what the Natural Heart Doctor ordered!

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