CellCore Foundational Protocol Step 4

$279.95 USD
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Step 4 consists of BC-ATP, HM-ET Binder, LymphActiv, and Para 4.

Step 4 picks up where Step 3 left off to continue promoting systemic detoxification and healthy drainage pathways.

  • BC-ATP returns to optimize energy production and mitochondrial health, while the other three products are introduced to the protocol for the first time.
  • HM-ET Binder is added to promote the body’s natural ability to detoxify beyond the gut and encourage cellular repair during these processes.
  • LymphActiv lends increased support to the lymphatic system with herbs used traditionally to support lymphatic drainage, such as astragalus root, chuchuhuasi bark, rhubarb root, sheep sorrel, and slippery elm.
  • Para 4 offers a potent blend of 11 herbs — including celery seed, holy basil, and horsetail — to support digestion, the gut microbiome, and immune health.

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