In Depth Health Assessment Testing From Natural Heart Doctor
The best testing package to...
Find out your current health status
Cardiovascular Health | Toxin Levels | Gut Health | Gluten Sensitivities
Assess Your Health & Risk Factors
We test for Apolipoprotein A, Apo B, Lp(a), standard lipids, inflammation markers, insulin and metabolics, full thyroid panel and antibodies, homocysteine and uric acid, vitamin D, sex hormones and more to capture a complete picture of heart health.
This test examines if you have intestinal permeability (leaky gut) and gluten/wheat sensitivities. A leaky gut and high immunoactivity against gluten impair immune function, increase systemic inflammation, and contribute to cardiovascular disease.
We test for 20 different toxic metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and aluminum. These 20 toxic metals impair immune and cardiovascular function and leave us more susceptible to disease.
We test for over 30 different environmental and food toxin molds. These mycotoxins impair heart and immune function, lead to inflammation, and promote oxidative stress. Your immune system won't work if mold is interfering.
This environmental toxin test assesses over 30 different toxins from the environment, such as pesticides like glyphosate and atrazine, plastics, parabens, phthalates, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds), each of which negatively impacts immune and cardiovascular function.
This advanced intracellular micronutrient panel looks at vitamins and minerals outside and inside the cell. Test also measures vital cardiovascular nutrients, including CoQ10, glutathione, essential fatty acids, amino acids, and more.

Blown Away
I was blown away by the amount of information obtained from this testing. It was the most in-depth assessment on my health that I have ever received. I can't wait to see all the improvements on the next round of tests.

Best Investment
My concern was the cost of the tests and that insurance wouldn't pay for them. But after reviewing the results and the insight into my health, I think it was the best investment I have ever made. Thank you to NHD for leading me in this direction.
Let us help you in assessing your overall health and risk factors. Take this complete assessment package:

Standard blood and urine tests from your local doctor cover the bare minimums and are dictated by insurance companies. At best, these tests identify life threatening conditions. They don't provide a comprehensive understanding of your health and wellness. They don't show your risk factors. And they don't pinpoint what actions you can take to improve your well-being.
The results of inadequate testing are disastrous. Inadequate testing can have major consequences for the quality of your care and your health, including missed diagnoses, poor assessments of risk and less than ideal outcomes.
That's why cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson created this CHAT PACKAGE. It provides a COMPREHENSIVE assessment of your health.
This test and its results give you (and your physician) the information you need to reclaim your health and wellness.
It's fast, easy, and simple. We'll send you the CHAT kit. Go to a local blood draw center in your area. Provide a blood sample and send it to our lab. When the results are ready, we'll immediately send them to you.
Let's get started.
Test, don't guess. About 80% of the patients we treat have no idea what caused their illness. They don't know their risk factors. They don't have the information they need to assess their health and make decisions accordingly.
That's a shame. More than 12 billion medical tests are analyzed annually in the U.S. alone. It's been estimated that more than $300 billion is wasted on testing. And with Americans sicker than ever, it's clear that current traditional testing protocols simply don't work.
Our CHAT package consists of six tests. These tests provide a complete picture of your health and risk factors. They provide the information necessary to get you on the path to health and wellness.
This testing package was formulated by the nation's # 1 Natural Heart Doctor, cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson. It provides a comprehensive assessment of your health and wellbeing and you'll get a full copy of the test results.
The goal of these tests is to give you (and your physician should you choose) the most complete, accurate assessment of your health and risk factors.
If you don't know where you are at, how will you know where you need to go to achieve health and wellness? These tests provide answers.
We will send you the test kit. You take it to a local blood draw (lab) center near you. Provide the sample and mail it to our lab. We take care of the rest! Level 2 Level Two
We're Sold
My husband was a little skeptical about the advanced testing at NHD. But after seeing the results, he was sold. Not only for my health problems, but also his! If I have all these toxic exposures and inflammation, so does he. And wouldn't you know it, he got the CHAT package as well. Now we are both on the road to the 100 Year Heart.

Detailed Reults
Quite simply the most detailed health tests I have received in all my 57 years…combined. The team at NHD made the process very easy
How It Works…

# 1 – Your Test Kit…
Is mailed to you. Take your kit to a local blood draw center. Provide blood and urine samples. Mail the samples and test materials to the location specified in the kit for analysis. It's fast, easy, and simple.

# 2 – Testing Results…
Will be provided and reviewed with you by video or phone with a certified Natural Heart Doctor practitioner (extra charge). They will help you understand your results and risk factors and answer your questions.

# 3 – The Outcome…
You will have a comprehensive assessment of your current health status and risk factors.
About Natural Heart Doctor
And Our CHAT Testing Package

Dr. Jack Wolfson DO, FACC
Cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson is the founder of Natural Heart Doctor. Dr. Wolfson was named as one of America's Top 50 Functional Medicine Doctors. His natural holistic approaches to heart health were outlined in the # 1 Amazon best-seller, "The Paleo Cardiologist: The Natural Way to Heart Health." Dr. Wolfson is also founder of The Cardiovascular Health Institute.
A Message From Dr. Wolfson:
Test, don't guess. I created this testing package because traditional medical testing is highly inadequate. It's the bare minimum, dictated by insurance companies. You need and deserve something better.
In the past 12 years we've brought testing and natural medical solutions to tens of thousands of people worldwide. Our natural protocols work regardless of age, genetics, severity, or current treatments. They work on the root causes of heart disease and illness to give people life changing solutions for health and wellness.
I believe in empowering people to take control of their health. I want them to have a heart that works properly for 100 years or more. That's what drives me and my practice.
We are here to serve you. Let's get you the information you need!
ORDER YOUR TEST KIT NOW** Please note: Lab tests that are purchased and then cancelled are subject to a 5% fee plus a $35 charge that will be deducted from your refund
***If you are ordering testing on behalf of someone else, please place that person's information in the "SHIP TO" portion of the order and then call our office or email us at labs@naturalheartdoctor.com so we can gather that patient details.
If you fail to alert us, you may incur a $35 cancellation/re-order fee.