Treat Atrial Fibrillation Naturally
An Online Course from Natural Heart DoctorLed By Cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson…


Why Using Natural Methods Is KEY to Finally Managing AFib…
And Exactly How You Can Do It One Step at a TimeIf you've been dealing with AFib for years and think you "simply have to live with it."
Or you've recently been diagnosed with AFib and are confused and frustrated over treatment options and prognosis.
Then this message is for you.
Because let me guess, despite the importance of your situation, and your concern about resolving it, your AFib is not getting better, and your current team of health care specialists have no answers…

You KNOW there must be a better way.
You know most other people would simply accept AFib as their fate, keep taking medications, and try to live with it.
But not you.
You're not going to give up on being healthy – no matter how hard it's been or what it will take.
If that's you… if you want to successfully manage and maybe even stop AFib… It's not too late.
Medications Will Fail You Every. Single. Time.
But These Practices (Backed By Science) Will Finally Bring You The Health That You NeedMost doctors write a prescription or perform an ablation to treat AFib.
We're sold the lie that medications and surgeries will make us healthy and well.
Here's the FACT – your AFib is not caused by a lack of prescription medications. Something is causing your AFib, and it isn't deficiency of Big Pharma drugs.
The truth is that medications and surgeries rarely work. They don't prolong life. They don't improve the quality of life. And most of all – they don't deal with the root cause of your AFib. There is a better way!

Dr. Jack Wolfson
Hi, I'm Dr. Jack Wolfson and I'm on a mission to help YOU get off medications and manage and treat AFib naturally…
Using a program that's backed by science, and one I've used successfully with thousands of people world-wide…
An all-natural AFib treatment program (can be used in conjunction with your current treatments and medications without harm) that delivers results for you.
Over the past 11 years, I've helped nearly 12,000 people successfully treat heart disease naturally – and I'm proud to have been selected as one of America's Top 50 Functional Medicine Doctors.
My work has been covered by hundreds of media outlets and my book on how to naturally prevent, treat, and reverse heart disease was an Amazon best-seller.
Many of my patients have been battling AFib for years.
Some are brand new to AFib.
What everyone has in common is the desire to get rid of AFib. That means getting rid of the cause of your AFib.
I can help you.
Now, your mission – should you choose to accept it – is to join me in a journey to a better way to manage and treat AFib in just eight online lessons – so you can feel better and be healthier!

You're in Safe Hands With Dr. Wolfson…
11,914 Patients & 23 Countries(AND COUNTING...)
Cardiologist, Top 50 Functional Medicine Doctor, best-selling author, that makes Dr. Jack Wolfson one of America's most trusted cardiologists online today.
Here's What You'll Get With This Program
Whether you've recently been diagnosed with AFib, or have been dealing with it for some time, this course can help. This eight part online program provides the elements necessary to manage and treat AFib naturally and won't interfere or disrupt any of your current treatment protocols.

Lifestyle and nutritional training to treat AFib from America's # 1 Natural Heart Doctor.

Receive expert guidance and support from our health coaches throughout the entire program.

A focused learning environment to maximize your results and overall health and well-being.
What's Inside
You'll gain access to live Natural Heart Doctor teaching sessions, videos, resources, nutrition and meal plans, and fact sheets in your Member Area.

And Become A Program Member For Life!
(Meaning, you can take the program every year — for FREE) 👏
Once the initial training is complete you can review as often as you like. Every year we invest enormous amounts of time, money, and resources to make the program even better. So once you're in, you can take the program as many times as you want!
Our Strategies Work. Here's Proof.
11 years. Thousands of patients from countries across the world. There's a reason why we're the gold standard in treating atrial fibrillation naturally. Our strategies and tactics work regardless of your age, family history, severity of your atrial fibrillation, or current treatment protocols.

"I was hesitant to sign up for Dr. Wolfson's AFIB course. My doctor told me that my problem was bad genetics and that nothing natural could be done. But I decided to follow my gut and take the course. One of the BEST decisions of my life. My symptoms are much improved and I am off all medications. My genes are fine. It was everything else that was wrong. And I no longer see the previous doctor who said I couldn't do it. Thank you Dr. Wolfson!"

"When I heard about the AFIB course from Natural Heart Doctor, I knew it would help, but not sure if I could spend the money. I have bought things online before but they never seemed to be worth it. Well, in this case, the money was well spent. In fact, I made money on the deal! My medical expenses are down (3 drugs and now only 1) with less doctor visits and I am able to work harder and longer driving my truck.The course is easy to follow and packed with bite-sized information and actionable steps."

"My family laughed when I told them about Dr. Wolfson and Natural Heart Doctor. They could not believe that I was going to pay cash to see him instead of my insurance covered doctor. But I didn't let that bother me, knowing in my heart it was the right move. I did not want another ablation for my AFIB and I was sick of the meds. I knew there had to be a better way. Dr. Wolfson explained that atrial fibrillation is from too many bad things and not enough good things. With his help, I was able to avoid another ablation. I feel great and excited about my future!"

"Let me start off by saying that I do not have time for online courses. Between my wife, kids and work, I am maxed out. But I also knew that if I did not make the time for the course, I would have to make time for sickness like a stroke, heart attack or worse. So, I made time to watch all the lessons. I also made the time to help with the recommended recipes and set aside time for ME. I now realize that if we don't take care of ourselves, how can we care for our loved ones?"

"Test, Don't Guess. That was a big takeaway from the AFIB course. I had been taking supplements for years, mostly based on my own research. But I now understand that testing is key. From the tests, I found that my magnesium was actually high, but my potassium was low and needed replacement. I also learned that my mold exposure was causing me issues..AFIB and so much more. Using the Natural Heart Doctor supplement protocols has helped my AFIB, my energy, my sleep…and just about everything else. HIGHLY recommend this course."

"I had tried everything for my AFIB, but nothing worked. Then a friend told me she worked with Dr. Wolfson regarding her heart issues and was getting great results. And she was looking younger and more vibrant than ever. So I thought I would give the course a try. I learned so much in just the first lesson, it was worth the price of admission. But my favorite lessons were about sunshine and the ones on stress reduction. Nailed it! Thank you Dr. Wolfson."
Questions? Here are some answers!
Should I discontinue my current atrial fibrillation medications and treatments while I take this course?
No. Please continue your current medications and treatments. Our natural treatment methods and approaches will not interfere or negatively impact your current treatments. We do recommend that you monitor your atrial fibrillation closely and continue to consult with your doctor.
I've had atrial fibrillation for a long time. Can this course and program still help me?
Unquestionably, yes! We've had people who've spent years on prescription medications for treatment of atrial fibrillation become medication free following our strategies. Although we can't guarantee you'll become medication free, we can promise you'll improve your overall health and wellness following our program.
I have a family history of atrial fibrillation. How can you help me?
A family history means you are predisposed to something. It does not mean you will suffer from it or have to live with it. We've successfully helped more than 1000 people with a family history of atrial fibrillation with our natural treatment approaches. We're confident we can help you too.
Do you have a refund policy?
Yes. Our program comes with an 100% Action Taker's Money Back Guarantee. This program has the power to profoundly change your life. Don't love it? Email us and let us know. We'll refund you, in full. No gimmicks, no "cancellation fees."